ENGLISH: Yoga for trail running : awareness is energy

Yoga for trail running: awareness is awarenessBy admin. Updated: June 25, 2015 Not everyone knows this, but when you run, you make a ‘path’ which is not only space but also, and especially, mental.In trail running, ie running in nature: whether in forests, mountains or desert, the relationship between physical performance and inner balance is tight and this relationship can be fostered and trained through yoga.

AWARENESS IS ENERGY – Tite Togni, a trail runner and certified Iyengar Yoga teacher who created the project , trail running is less repetitive than road running and therefore is a continuous exercise of meditation: being able to stay present is paramount, in terms of being aware of each different step that is an adaptation between the ground and our action. Yoga can train you to face each moment, as each posture (or asana) is a process of knowledge, an opportunity to find our inner energy.

RUNNING AND ‘ASANA’ – Running may cause an excessive stiffening in the thighs and femoral quadriceps and of course yoga improves the stretching of the muscles as well as promotes proper posture. But the benefits are not only physical, as the benefits for the mind are enormous in terms of concentration, breathing and stress management. Some ‘asanas’ (ie the positions used in yoga) are in fact preparatory to trail running and make possible the coveted union of body and mind: this way, it will be easier to find, within ourselves, resources that we would never thought existing before. .

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