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Diete vegetariane e vegane e SHBG

In uno studio di ricerca del 2009, gli scienziati hanno valutato l’impatto di una dieta proteica a base vegetariana sui livelli sierici di SHBG nelle donne di mezza età. Hanno reclutato 21 onnivori di mezza età e 19 vegetariani di mezza età e li hanno osservati in uno studio cross-section in un anno. Le diete dei 19 vegetariani includevano i vegani (che non consuma prodotti animali), lacto-vegetariani (che consumano prodotti lattiero-caseari) e lacto-ovo-vegetariani (che consumano uova e latticini). I soggetti di entrambi i gruppi si esercitavano per 0-3 ore a settimana e consumavano quantità simili di proteine ​​per chilogrammo di peso corporeo, anche se i vegetariani consumavano più proteine ​​a base vegetale e gli onnivori più proteine ​​a base animale. Ogni tre mesi, i ricercatori hanno valutato i livelli degli ormoni sessuali sierici e degli SHBG nel sangue. Alla conclusione dello studio, i ricercatori hanno osservato livelli simili di testosterone totale nei vegetariani e negli onnivori (rispettivamente 1,79 nmol / L vs 1,76 nmol / L).
Al contrario, i 19 vegetariani (vegani, lacto-vegetariani e lacto-ovo-vegetariani) avevano un livello di SHBG superiore del 50% rispetto agli onnivori (46 vs 69 nmol / l).

Aspetti chiave: una dieta ricca di proteine ​​a base vegetale aumenta l’SHBG senza diminuire il testosterone totale. Tuttavia, le donne preoccupate di avere bassi livelli di ormoni sessuali liberi dovrebbero considerare di consumare più proteine ​​a base animale.

Usare SHBG per ottimizzare la tua salute

La globulina legante gli ormoni sessuali è un biomarker trascurato che ha un impatto critico sulla salute e sulle prestazioni atletiche. Hai bisogno di iniziare a consumare una dieta vegetariana per aumentare il tuo SHBG e ridurre il rischio di malattie cardiovascolari o perchè hai una malattia cardiaca, una insufficienza cardiaca o hai avuto un infarto? O hai bisogno di aumentare l’apporto calorico per liberare il testosterone e alimentare la crescita muscolare dopo il tuo esercizio fisico estenuante? L’unico modo per saperlo è scoprire i tuoi livelli di SHBG oggi e modificare il tuo stile di vita per prendere il controllo della tua salute.

Mission Evolution Sport

un party di colore , predominanza vegetale e verde scuro + 2 uova e olio extra v + aceto di mele e balsamico = totale alcalinizzante
un party di colore , predominanza vegetale e verde scuro + 2 uova e olio extra v + aceto di mele e balsamico = totale alcalinizzante

PRANZO POST Giro Dei Grassi, 14km +800m 1h44, sensazioni non brillanti come 1 mese fa a Bione . Le analisi hanno evidenziato carenza di vitamina D


When I was a kid I didn’t get the meaning but still would keep it in mind when my my granny used to correct me: ‘ animals feel hungry , we feel appetite’ and I guess she wanted to stress the ‘ human factor’ : mindfulness .

Funny thing is in Italian we commonly use 3 different terms for ‘ eating’: mangiare, alimentare e nutrirsi. In English the first 2 terms (feeding and eating) are not different in meaning but only in grammar , one is active verb the other subjective . The third one could be translated in ‘ nourishment’ but common use would be ‘ diet’ which is strange, it has a negative deprivative connotation.

As for mindfulness , being detached from the senses in order to be free, the Buddhists are masters and they apply micro doses of ‘ less is more’ habits in every daily acts, including meals. My longtime running buddy, to get in the mood for his first adventure in Nepal ,started following the little habit of leaving 7 rice grains and offer them to the birds.

Science and recent case studies starts following the same ‘ less is more ‘ philosophy that Buddhists cultivate from ancient times , as the healthiest and most sustainable way of conduct .

A very good example of mindful conduct in nutrition , or diet , is vegetarianism and the following article dimistifies the need of animal protein for sport and athletes , male and female alike, although the phases of life can be different and the best option is knowledge of your particular situation.

Mindfulness is for the present moment; knowledge is for “ your particular” unique present.

Enjoy the article .

Vegetarian and vegan diets and SHBG

In a 2009 research study, scientists assessed the impact of a vegetarian-based protein diet on serum SHBG levels in middle-aged women. They recruited 21 middle-aged omnivores and 19 middle-aged vegetarians and observed them in a cross-section study in a year. The 19 vegetarian diets included vegans (which do not consume animal products), lacto-vegetarians (which consume dairy products) and lacto-ovo-vegetarians (which consume eggs and dairy products). Subjects in both groups exercised for 0-3 hours per week and consumed similar amounts of protein per kilogram of body weight, although vegetarians consumed more plant-based proteins and omnivores more protein-based animal. Every three months, researchers evaluated levels of  sex hormones and SHBG in the blood. At the end of the study, the researchers observed similar levels of total testosterone in vegetarians and omnivores (1.79 nmol / L vs 1.76 nmol / L respectively).
In contrast, the 19 vegetarians (vegan, lacto-vegetarian and lacto-ovo-vegetarian) had a level of SHBG 50% higher than omnivores (46 vs 69 nmol / l).

Key aspects: a diet rich in plant-based proteins increases SHBG without decreasing total testosterone. However, women worried about having low levels of free sex hormones should consider consuming more animal-based proteins.

Use SHBG to optimize your health

Sex hormone binding globulin is a neglected biomarker that has a critical impact on health and athletic performance. Do you need to start eating a vegetarian diet to increase your SHBG and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease ? Or do you need to increase caloric intake to release testosterone and fuel muscle growth after your exhausting exercise? The only way to know this is to find out about your levels of SHBG today and change your lifestyle to take control of your health.
Free translation from  Mission Evolution Sport

Post race Salad party after 14km +800m  Giro Dei Grassi Trail Race in 1h45’ approx.


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